I Quite Social Media for 30 days and this is what happened

Did it helped me spiritually and financially?

Israr Ul Haq
5 min readFeb 29, 2020
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Should You Quit Social media?

Getting more work done can not be the only justifiable reason, because you might still be achieving 3x more than me while still being active on social media.

So there is more to it than just work. It is the peace of mind and clarity we are after.

When you are on social media, you think of what others think of you, and this makes you change the real you for other people.

This is a rare form of people-pleasing which feeds off your actual existence and personality.

If you pay close attention, you will notice that people are no longer recognized by who they are in-person.

To know someone these days, we ask for their Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat Id to see what they have to offer through their timeline.

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud — Coco Chanel

Easy Way to Quit Social Media?

Make yourself so busy with your new life bettering habits that social media is way down your priority list. This is the exact way I was able to get rid of it. I didn’t have



Israr Ul Haq

Techpreneur, Product Designer | Businessman. I write about online business, self-improvement, technology, human behavior, design, and entrepreneurship