Here’s How I Earn Extra Money from My Old Design Projects

Israr Ul Haq
5 min readDec 2, 2020

Projects I was about to delete, are now making money while I sleep.

I am not a fan of beating around the bush, and I myself have grown distance from those articles which do.


I would like to get to the point as quickly as possible.

Keeping it brief — I was about to delete them all, but I didn’t and instead, I uploaded them somewhere on the internet and now they make me money every day.

In my design career of the past 3 years, I have completed several dozens of projects.

First, let us understand exactly how simply everything works.

How will you make money?

You make money when you make a sale, simple. The sites I am about to mention are paying me based on the number of Downloads/Sales I generate.

And there are only TWO types of Sales.

1. Subscription-based Sale

When a user who has a subscription of the site, downloads your project listed on the site, you get a % of share.

Below is the email I receive, when my project makes a subscription-based sale



Israr Ul Haq

Techpreneur, Product Designer | Businessman. I write about online business, self-improvement, technology, human behavior, design, and entrepreneurship